If you need to change the purpose of an existing Exchange Mailbox, for instance changing a User Mailbox to a Shared Mailbox or maybe the other way around, changing a Shared Mailbox to a User Mailbox.
Could also be changing to a Room or Equipment.
This an relative easy task to change. Make sure your running the Exchange Management Shell or are connected Office 365 (see previous post).
Change a mailbox to a Shared Mailbox, using the following PowerShell command:
Get-Mailbox -Identity [email protected] | Set-Mailbox -Type Shared
The different Recipient Types you can set on a Mailbox are:
- Regular
- Room
- Equipment
- Shared
Show a list of mailbox and their Recipient Type, using the following PowerShell command to validate your configuration settings:
Get-Mailbox | ft Name, RecipientTypeDetails
Output (example):
The above commands works fine on Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 and with Office 365.
I want to set a transport rule in my Exchange 2013 where every e-mail comes to a recipient will be CC to the recipient’s manager.
How to do that?
Thanks a lot for the answer.
Thanks! I couldn’t figure out the field names (I was using field names with spaces which didn’t work).
you don’t have to Get anything, why complicate things, just use the Set command
Set-Mailbox [email protected] -Type Shared
Hi Can we change mailbox type from Linked mail box to remote mailbox?
Object Type RecipientTypeDetails (Decimal Value)
Linked Mailbox 2
Remote User Mailbox 2147483648
It is not as simple as just changing type. You would have to move the exiting mailbox to a Remote User Mailbox, which it often referred to as the Office 365 Mailbox of a user. Hope that answers your question.
i created user account and mail box instead of Room Mail box, we have couple of cabin for meetings , could you please suggest me how to convert user mail box to room mail box with auto accept and decline option , we are using office 365 GUI
You want to use the GUI or you want to do this by PowerShell ?